Hullabaloo sports section statement on club sports
April 5, 2016
It is our first and foremost priority here at The Tulane Hullabaloo’s sports section to provide the student body and Tulane community with accurate and thorough coverage of the teams and athletes this university cherishes.
As a sports section at a collegiate paper, our primary focus has and will continue to be on covering the NCAA athletes and teams at Tulane.
We understand, however, that the interest in Tulane sports extends beyond just the NCAA teams. The community feels a bond and sense of attachment to the university’s club sports as well. These students and teams practice diligently, and their stories are worth telling.
As sports reporters and Tulane students, we here at The Hullabaloo would love nothing more than to tell each and every one of these stories. Unfortunately, with limited resources and staff, we don’t have the capabilities to cover every team as each deserves.
While we cannot cover every team as closely and thoroughly as we would like, we can begin taking steps toward reporting on club sports.
This is a new step for The Hullabaloo’s sports section. We will start small and look to progressively expand coverage over time. As our primary focus will continue to be reporting on NCAA teams, we cannot promise articles on club sports will be published within the limited space of our weekly print newspaper. But we can offer an online article dedicated to a club sports team once a month. Given our resources and numbers, we feel this is an appropriate starting place to begin extending coverage to Tulane’s club teams.
We are excited to move forward with this step and hope that this will further unify the student body and community behind Tulane sports.
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