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November 15, 2010
Holiday shopping has changed a lot in the last few years. Withmore consumers doing their buying online each year, heading to theWeb for gifts is the new norm. While the Web is an infinitelyvaluable resource for shopping, allowing you to get your checklistfinished off without leaving your home, you can find smarter waysto approach buying holiday gifts on the Web.
Keep these tips in mind when you’re shopping online for holidaygifts:
* Pay attention to what the hot items are. It seems like there’sat least one particularly in-demand toy every year, but you shouldalso pay attention to what’s selling fast beyond kids’ gifts. Forinstance, laptops are big sellers at the holidays – this willlikely have two effects. First, retailers will be eagerly offeringdeals. Second, they’ll go fast. With those two factors in play, youneed to pay attention and act quickly. By going to a site, which is updated with new offers multiple timesevery hour, you’ll be able to find the best cheap laptopdeals as soon as they’re available.
* Do some research. To get what you (or your gift recipients)want, you need to do a bit of studying and look at factors beyondthe price. Be sure you know all the features you want on aparticular item like an mp3 player, and write down shoe and garmentsizes if you’re going to be buying clothes. With items likelaptops, you’ll have a number of different factors to consider,even within a single brand. However, if you know the brand you wantto give, that’s half the battle. For instance, if you know you’llbe buying an HP computer or laptop, you can simplify shopping bysearching for HP couponsto save upto $400 or more.
* Shop the big days, but don’t worry if you miss them. BlackFriday and Cyber Monday will certainly be hectic shopping days inmalls and online, with stores offering deep discounts to get peoplein the door or onto their website. While it’s ideal to get someshopping done on these days, it’s not always feasible, and othergift needs will come up later. Even if that’s the case, you canstill get great onlinedeals by utilizing sites like DealsofAmerica that constantlyupdate with the top deals being offered by retailers andmanufacturers. Some can help you get discounts of up to 80 percent,depending on what you’re shopping for.
* Remember that deals and coupons are often two differentthings. Many more consumers have gotten wise to searching forcoupons that offer a percentage or dollar discount or freeshipping, and many websites will offer you a selection of couponoffers from certain retailers. However, looking for discounts anddeals is another way to get lower prices on the gifts you want.Instead of applying a coupon code, you’ll be buying at a reducedprice.
As you head to the computer along with millions of otherAmericans this holiday shopping season, remember that a bit ofshopping savvy can help you get exactly what you need and keep someextra cash in your wallet.
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