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November 15, 2010
Many large companies are using their big names to partner withnonprofit organizations for great causes. This corporateresponsibility practice includes campaigns that address everythingfrom hearing loss to homelessness. Check out these corporatepartnerships and see what they’re doing to benefit consumers andcommunities.
Ford and Mark Horvath’s Invisible People – The former executivebecame homeless in 1995 because of drugs and alcohol, but got backon his feet with the help of the Los Angeles-based Dream Center. Hewas laid off and on the verge of homelessness again in 2008, whenhe decided to broadcast personal stories of the homeless via Whrrland Twitter. Individuals and companies took notice of his cause anddecided to join in. Ford lent him a Flex to drive on a road tripacross the country to gather video interviews of homelessindividuals’ stories and promote awareness through his websiteInvisible People.Hanes, Sprint and several other companies also sponsor his 2010road trip.
Miracle-Ear and the American Diabetes Association – While mostpeople are aware of the complications of diabetes, many may notassociate the disease with hearing loss. Diabetes research has actually revealed a connection betweenhearing impairment and diabetes, concluding that people withdiabetes are at higher risk for the condition. In fact, hearingloss is about twice as common in adults with diabetes than thosewithout the disease. During the month of November, Miracle-Ear willhelp spread the word about this connection and raise money forresearch, education and advocacy by donating $5 to the AmericanDiabetes Association for each free hearing testcompleted in a Miracle-Ear hearing center (up to a maximum of$50,000).
Tyson and Share Our Strength – Since 2000, the chickenmanufacturer has donated more than 41 million pounds of food todisaster-relief organizations and food banks across the country.Fundraising efforts for Share Our Strength include a Tyson cookbookand proceeds go toward the nonprofit. The corporation also sponsorsother organizations that address hunger and has its own campaign,Powering the Spirit, that promotes awareness about childhood hungerthrough grilling events across the country.
Diet Coke and the Heart Truth campaign – The soft drink brand’ssponsorship with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute(NHLBI) draws attention to heart disease, the leading cause ofdeath for American women. Diet Coke produces a line of Heart Truthcans with the campaign’s symbol, The Red Dress, and informationabout the campaign. It also helps sponsor events like the annualHeart Truth’s Red Dress Collections at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Weekin New York, in which celebrities like Heidi Klum walk the catwalkin red designer dresses.
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