The Tulane Hullabaloo welcomes media, differs in journalistic process

Despite a growing pool of available information for today’s college students, student-run college newspapers still provide an essential service. The value of this media service is not being the first or being the most eye-catching. Our purpose is to report the truth.

A Pew Research Center Study found that 75 percent of young adults believe losing their local newspaper would have a minimal impact on their ability to get information. This same demographic, however, said on average when they need information, established news sources are the first source they turn to.  

This statistic shows how much we undervalue news sources in our society. News sources, including The Hullabaloo, serve as watchdogs for the powerless.

The Hullabaloo is exclusively student-run. Content and business decisions are made by students that hold themselves to the same standards as professionals. Our editing processes reflect these standards. Everything published must be verified and backed up by authoritative sources. All interviews must be documented. Most importantly, all information must be fact-checked, and style adheres to Associated Press guidelines.

The Hullabaloo is independently funded through advertising revenue. Our paper struggles financially, but our independence awards us a vital freedom — the only stakeholders The Hullabaloo owes anything to are its readers.

The Hullabaloo makes mistakes, but we strive to hold ourselves accountable. We publish corrections weekly, and all revisions that occur after publication are listed at the bottom of the article for the readers to see.

While we take pride in our organization, we do not believe The Hullabaloo is the only valuable source of information on this campus. Every campus media outlet offers different perspectives to both its members and the community and has its own personality and goals.

A rich media landscape only enhances the student experience by providing more places for creative avenues and information. The Hullabaloo welcomes this growing environment but hopes to continue differentiating itself through its reporting.