Obituary: Ben Burlock

The following is a submission from Ben Burlock’s close friends and family. 

There was, of course, the usual anticipation and excitement for the coming freshman year, but when we each came to Tulane last fall, we all shared an underlying resentment toward our placement in the honors residence hall. During the course of the semester, the resentment faded, and we were each grateful for the friends we made in that residence hall.

Ben Burlock was instrumental in putting together a group of friends who, despite superficial differences, share the same strange sense of humor and the attitude that life should not be taken too seriously. The friend group Ben left behind is a testament to his unique ability to bring people together.

Ben made sure to reach out to many, and he effortlessly left an impression on everyone he met. He was immensely charismatic and possessed an ability to initiate meaningful, funny conversation in any social situation.

Ben would surely appreciate the way his death has been treated in its aftermath. His friends have given support to his mother Leslie, father Buzz and sister Charley, but at the same time have tried to keep high spirits and a lighthearted attitude, as was the Ben Burlock tradition.

Many of Ben’s friends visited his memorial bonfire at The Fly on Monday, where they shared stories about his life late into the night. Afterward, the group caravanned to a tattoo parlor downtown, where they all got Ben’s iconic “Thug Life” tattoo on their lower lips, honoring his spontaneous, carefree nature.

Ben was a lover of many things: cooking, sports, music and, most importantly, the people around him. He has made lasting friendships in all of the many locations he called home. Regardless of the situation, Ben’s incomparable sense of humor was something that everyone admired and continues to bring laughs to those who knew him. He will truly be missed.