Tulane guest lecturer booked in March for rape of student will not be prosecuted

Rafael Schincariol was accused of raping a Tulane graduate student in February following a guest lecture he gave on campus. Schincariol will not be prosecuted on the charges.

A spokesperson for New Orleans District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro’s office confirmed today that a Tulane guest lecturer accused of raping a Tulane graduate student earlier this year will not be prosecuted on the charges.

Brazilian academic Rafael Schincariol spoke at an event titled “Mobilizations of Youth, Artists and Collectives in Brazil” on Feb. 10, 2017, in Joseph Merrick Jones Hall. He had worked for four years for the Organization of American States’ Commission for Human Rights at the time of his arrest in March.

Arrest documents indicate that after the event on Tulane’s campus, Schincariol took the alleged rape victim and two other women out for drinks in the French Quarter. The student reported to police that she became too intoxicated to drive and accepted a ride home from Schincariol in the early morning hours of Feb. 11, 2017. In the arrest warrant affidavit for Schincariol, police reported that the student texted her live-in boyfriend around 2:30 a.m. that she was getting a ride home.

According to the reports, the student said the next thing she remembered after sending the text was being raped by Schincariol while lying on the living room floor of her home and “experiencing a lot of pain.” Police later listed the time of the alleged rape as 3 a.m. on the morning of Feb. 11, 2017.

Schincariol was booked in March, with his bail set at $25,000. On Aug. 16, he appeared in court, where the third-degree rape case for which he faced up to 25 years in prison was refused.

“The district attorney’s office never doubted the veracity of the victim’s statements,” Assistant District Attorney Christopher Bowman said in a Times-Picayune article. “Nevertheless, the case presented some difficult factual hurdles. In light of that, as well as the victim’s desire not to pursue charges, the DA’s office refused the case.”

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