Everything you need to know about Nicki Minaj’s Meltdown

Everything you need to know about Nicki Minaj’s Meltdown

Emma Vaughters | Layout Editor

On the heel of a four-year hiatus, Nicki Minaj finally dropped her fourth full-length studio album on Aug. 10. The album follows the same template of her last three efforts, bouncing between sounds and topics which display the pop/hip-hop sensibility in which Minaj founded her fame empire upon.

Courtesy of Wiki Commons

If the album’s title was too subtle for you, Miss King Kong (yes, Miss King Kong) beats her chest throughout “Queen”, positioning herself as the most dominant and prolific female MC of her time. This positioning set the stage for Minaj’s full-out social media meltdown which ensued when “Queen” debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard charts, behind the second week sales of Travis Scott’s “Astroworld.”

Nicki vs. Travi’s Scott’s t-shirts

Once the numbers rolled in, Nicki took to twitter to proclaim “Queen” as the number one album in America, despite it not actually being the No. 1 album in America. She first pointed to Travis Scott’s album sales being boosted by a tour pass, merch and album bundle.  

“Travis sold over 50K of these. With no requirement of redeeming the album! With no dates for a tour, etc. I spoke to him. He knows he doesn’t have the #1 album this week. I love my fans for the #1 album in AMERICA! I’ll explain on #QueenRadio 4 albums in, #1 in 86 countries

“I looked at the numbers the Carters, Kanye, Nas, etc recently did. Travis sold 200K in his first week of clothes alone. I spoke to him last night & he said he’s been selling clothes b4 the music. Billboard says they’ll change the rules cuz of this, so it should be changed now!”

Nicki’s crusade against album-merch bundles wouldn’t be so awkward if she didn’t have her own line of merch out as well.

Nicki vs Travis Scott’s Baby Mama & Their 6 Month Old Child

No, seriously.

“I put my blood sweat & tears in writing a dope album only for Travis Scott to have Kylie Jenner post a tour pass telling ppl to come see her & Stormi. lol. Im actually laughing. #Queen broke the record of being number 1 in 86 countries. Thank Jesus & thank you to my fans.”

Because nothing screams unfair advantage like a Kardashian-Jenner insta-promo. (see: Tyga’s-Kylie-Cosigned-Album scanning tin foil in 2015)

Nicki vs Spotify

Nicki went on to point the finger at Spotify, claiming the streaming service didn’t support her because she gave Apple Music a 10-minute-exclusive first.

Spotify put drake’s face on every playlist but told me they’d have to teach me a lesson for playing my music 10 mins early on #QueenRadio. Even tho they’ve been giving away my music for free for years & I am one of the top Spotify artists of all time.

Nicki vs Slavery

Here is where this whole ordeal really gets real exciting. After expressing her music-industry-related frustrations, Minaj tweeted this number:

All the QUEENS I remember, SHOOK SHIT UP!!!!!!!! Queen of the week may go to HARRIET TUBMAN!!!!!! Had she just sat there & ate her rice, you n****z history would’ve been a lot less triumphant.

Nicki then invoked a notoriously fake Harriet quote:

“She said she could’ve rescued more slaves had they known they were slaves. I fought for streaming services to count toward billboard when alotta n****z stayed quiet”.

And if you thought she was done, you were sorely mistaken. The freedom fighter was truly just getting started. Nicki took to her Beats 1 radio show to reference in Harriet in a tirade which may go down in internet history.


The many fronts of Nicki’s recent beefs blur the line between laughing with Nicki and laughing at Nicki. Her antics are reminiscent of Amanda Bynes circa 2012, where her behavior is in one moment hilarious and the next discomforting.

Whether you’re a stan or self-proclaimed hater, the fact remains: Nicki is one of the most talented rappers to ever do it. She has walked a line between rap and pop that an entire generation of upcoming rappers has and will continue to follow. Nicki knows that–and if you take one listen to Queen, she won’t let forget it.

But as many mainstream artists have shown us in the past, there is no greater omen of downfall than desperation. In our now streaming-driven music industry, the Billboard Hot 100 chart is a ridiculous hill to die on for the self-proclaimed queen of rap. Both her stans and casual fans only care if the music is good. But as Minaj tells us herself, she isn’t the one to just sit there and eat her rice. We just hope Nicki finds her way *massive explosion* TO FREEDOM!