What to do when there’s no place like home

Tiana Watts | Layout Editor

It’s that time of the year when the excitement of starting the new semester at college has worn off, the stress inevitably piles up and you start to miss home. In light of what may be an emotional time for many away at college, The Hullabaloo has compiled a list of ways to have a more positive outlook on being away from home and to get you out of the homesickness blues.

Get Busy

Sometimes when you’re sad there is nothing more dangerous than being left alone with your thoughts, so keeping busy is a great way to keep your mind off missing home. Taking this initiative is also a way to get involved on campus or explore New Orleans. Plus, getting involved in a club that gives you purpose and makes you feel like you are making a difference will make you feel like there is a reason that you are here at Tulane.

Create a list of things you love doing

A Pinterest-worthy way to keep yourself out of a slump is to create a “When You’re Feeling Blue” list. This is essentially a list of things that you don’t have time to do anymore but you love doing, which can include things like reading, journaling, watching a certain show, having a personal dance party, etc. It also helps to try to make this list as nice looking as possible, so just looking at it can cheer you up.

Talk to people

When you’re compiling your list of things you love to do, jot down the names of the people you’re close to who you can talk to when you are feeling down. If the person is back home, try to talk with them on FaceTime or Skype instead of just on the phone to get the face-to-face interaction that you may be missing.

Spend time outside

It has been scientifically proven that being outside improves your health and makes you happier! Though New Orleans may be far from home, it sure is a great place for getting some Vitamin D. Especially in the autumn and spring months, the weather gets cooler but stays sunny. So next time you are feeling down, take your homework or whatever you are doing outside for a change!

Do something nice for your family

A large part of missing home is feeling like you took it for granted back in high school. Often, homesickness can come with a sense of guilt that you didn’t do more with or for your family. Let your family know that you are thinking of them! Give your parents a phone call or go that extra step and write them a letter, because they surely miss you just as much as you miss them.

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