Students for Warren gears up for 2020 Election

With the 2020 primary elections underway, some students have begun advocating for their presidential candidate of choice, Elizabeth Warren. In an effort to influence student voters and spread awareness for Warren’s campaign, some of these students have created a Facebook group and intend to become an active student organization this semester. 

According to member Andrew Sykes, Students for Warren hosts various events to promote her 2020 campaign and political platform.  

Courtesy of Tulane Students for Warren

“We have held phone banks and hosted social events to get as many people involved in this fight as possible,” Sykes said. “We also presented the case for Warren at the College Democratic mock caucus last week.”

Students for Warren is currently seeking new members with new ideas and creative marketing techniques. 

“Our organization welcomes anybody who’s ready to fight for the big, structural change,” Sykes said. “We might not all agree on every issue, but can all unite behind Warren’s message of a fairer country and a fighting chance for everybody.”

Skyes encouraged students who are politically engaged and aware to join the Facebook group. 

“We are always looking for new members and anyone who wants to join can ask to be added to our Tulane for Warren Facebook group,” Sykes said. “We’re hoping to become active this semester, and since many of us now are graduating seniors, we would especially like interested first years and sophomores to join our ranks.”

The Tulane Hullabaloo is not endorsing any candidate during the 2020 election cycle.