Weekly COVID-19 update

covid-19 update graphic
Cecilia Hammond

As of Oct. 13, Tulane University has completed 44,450 COVID-19 tests for the fall semester, 282 of which were positive. Since Oct. 5, Tulane has seen eight new positive cases, reflecting a 0.1% seven-day positivity rate.

Orleans Parish reported a 0.9% positivity rate, while Louisiana on the whole showed a 2.4% positivity rate. These positivity rates only reflect positive test results, so numbers for Louisiana and New Orleans are most likely higher. 

Tulane currently has a vaccination rate of over 95%, while New Orleans follows with a rate of 80%. Booster shots are now available for those with moderate or severely compromised immune systems. One must wait at least six months after their second dose of the vaccine before receiving a third dose. For more information on who specifically qualifies and how to schedule a booster shot, please visit the website here.

Tulane and the city of New Orleans are both following modified phase three protocols, which require that masks still must be worn indoors at all times, regardless of vaccination status. Proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test must be shown for all indoor events, which includes classrooms, bars, gyms and any indoor entertainment. Proof can be shown via the LA Wallet app, vaccine card or immunization record.

All Tulane students and faculty are required to get tested. Testing must occur within 72 hours of receiving a QR code via email. If you have tested positive or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, please complete the COVID-19 reporting form available here. Students are not permitted to self-quarantine unless they have been in conversation with a Tulane contact tracer.

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