Missing Tulane student suspected dead as result of drowning

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In a Dec. 8 statement emailed to students, Tulane University President Mike Fitts announced that Tulane undergraduate student James Miller is missing and presumed to have drowned off the coast of El Salvador sometime in late November. 

Miller, the son of an instructor at the Tulane School of Medicine, was a philosophy and history major in his junior year at Tulane University. Miller was a resident of Green Wave Hall and served as vice president of community engagement. 

In the statement, Fitts described Miller as a student “guided by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge” who had aspired to pursue a career in academia, obtaining a Ph.D. in philosophy. Fitts stated, “we join James’ family and friends in remembering this remarkable son, brother, student and friend and send our deepest condolences and sympathy to everyone who knows and loves him.” 

Counseling is available for students 24/7 through The Line at 504-264-6074. 

Students in need of additional support can contact the Residential Adviser on call in their residence hall. Students may also call the on-call Case Manager at 504-920-9900.

Staff at the Counseling Center, 504-314-2277 and Case Management, 504-314-2160 are available between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. 

The Employee Assistance Program is available for faculty and staff seeking counseling or support. Information about Employee Assistance Programs can be found here.