Letter from the Board: Breaking ground for Black History Month

This year, The Tulane Hullabaloo worked to publish stories illuminating the issues and struggles of our community. Tulane is not perfect, as much as we would like it to be. As a student-run publication, we see the struggles and triumphs of our peers, and we recognize the community’s impact on them.

This issue of The Hullabaloo marks the first edition since we ceased biweekly printing. The decision to move to a monthly printing model was long deliberated and difficult to make. Ultimately, however, we hope this monthly model will bring our readership more stories, showcase diverse voices and highlight long overlooked communities and issues. 

In 2021, Hullabaloo reporters published various investigative pieces and sparked much needed conversations regarding pressing Tulane problems. At its core, The Hullabaloo strives to be a voice of honesty and integrity. In doing so, we make an active effort to uncover the stories relevant and important to our readers. We hope to continue expanding our readers’ horizons by publishing and highlighting voices that have long been silenced. 

As we look to the future, we must acknowledge the support and interaction of our readership. We are thankful to have a community that not only cares about but also values the issues and topics raised by our publication.

To break ground on our new print model, we found no more fitting a subject than Black History Month. In May 2021, The Hullabaloo elected its first Black Editor-in-Chief, Maiya Tate. Tate’s vision for the Hullabaloo is rooted in highlighting the voices of Black, Indigenous and other people of color in the community. As a New Orleans native, Tate understands firsthand the silencing of Black voices at Tulane, a predominantly white institution.  

We urge you to read this issue and reflect on the featured voices and their experiences. From poems and art created by Black artists, to testimonies regarding the Black queer experience, each featured article represents a unique subset of culture that deserves equal recognition. Through this print edition, we hope our readers acknowledge and learn about cultures and spaces that may be foreign to them.

We hope you enjoy this issue as much as we loved compiling it. Please keep reading our stories, and please keep raising a hullabaloo.