As tenured and tenure-track faculty at Tulane University, we support the lawful right of our non-tenure track colleagues to organize a union. We ask Tulane University to take a neutral stance toward their efforts.
Katherine Adams (English)
Michele Adams (Sociology)
Laura R. Adderley (History and Africana Studies)
Edo Ernest dit Alban (Communication)
Rebecca Atencio (Spanish and Portuguese)
Evelyn Atkinson (Law)
Idelber Avelar (Spanish and Portuguese)
Courtney N. Baker (Psychology)
Carl L Bankston III (Sociology)
Daniel Bernstein (Math)
Hyung Sup (Zack) Bhan (Business/Marketing)
Denys Bondar (Physics and Engineering)
James Boyden (History)
Liz Camuti (Architecture)
Amy Chaffee (Theatre and Dance)
Claudia Chávez Argüelles (Anthropology)
Hongwei Thorn Chen (Communication)
Yiping Chen (Cell and Molecular Biology)
Doug Crisey (Physics)
Mary Clark (Political Science [emerita])
Aaron Collier (Studio Art)
Paul Colombo (Psychology)
Mariana Craciun (Sociology)
Nathalie Dajko (Anthropology)
Brian DeMare (History)
Jerome Dent (Communication and Africana Studies)
Gustavo Didier (Mathematics)
Joel Dinerstein (English)
Gary Dohanich (Psychology [emerita])
Christopher Dunn (Spanish and Portuguese)
Maurice J. Dupre (Mathematics)
Cynthia Ebinger (Earth and Environmental Sciences)
Katie Edwards (History)
Melanie Ehrlich (Human Genetics)
Allison Emmerson (Classical Studies)
AnnieLaurie Erickson (Art)
Fayçal Falaky (French and Italian)
Lisa Fauci (Mathematics)
Felipe Fernandes Cruz (History)
Charles Figley (School of Social Work)
Maria Galazo (Cell and Molecular Biology)
Shennette Garrett-Scott (History and Africana Studies)
Nicole Gasparini (Earth and Environmental Sciences)
Donald Gaver (Biomedical Engineering)
Leslie Geddes (Art)
Antonio Gomez (Spanish & Portuguese)
Scott Grayson (Chemistry)
Oleg Gredil (Business/Finance)
Allison Grossman (Political Science)
Tai Ha (Mathematics)
Emily Harville (Epidemiology)
Karissa Haugeberg (History)
Eric Herhuth (Communication)
Yuri Herrera (Spanish and Portuguese)
Janet Hoeffel (Law)
Michael Hoerger (Psychology)
Victor Holtcamp (Theatre and Dance)
Laura-Zoë Humphreys (Communication)
Xiang Ji (Mathematics)
Xin Jiang (Sociology)
Katherine M. Johnson (Sociology and GESS)
R. Johnson (English)
Sally J. Kenney (Political Science)
Thomas A. Klingler (French and Italian)
Michelle Kohler (English)
Peter C. Kunze (Communication)
Michelle Lacey (Mathematics)
Kris Lane (History)
Carla Laroche (Law)
Zachary Lazar (English)
Andrew Leber (Political Science)
Katharine Lee (Anthropology)
Amalia Leguizamón (Sociology)
Camilo Leslie (Sociology)
Marva L. Lewis (School of Social Work)
Jana Lipman (History)
Thomas Luongo (History)
Susann Lusnia (Classical Studies)
Art Lustig (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Adeline Masquelier (Anthropology)
Nancy Maveety (Political Science)
Andrew McDowell (Anthropology)
Bernice McFadden (English)
Scott McKinley (Mathematics)
Elisabeth McMahon (History)
Jenny Mercein (Theatre and Dance)
Ramgopal Mettu (Computer Science)
Corey J. Miles (Sociology)
Kalina Mincheva (Mathematics)
Lisa Molix (Psychology)
Victor H. Moll (Mathematics)
Jonathan Morton (French and Italian)
Barbara E. Mundy (Art History)
Cheryl Naruse (English)
Jason Nesbitt (Anthropology)
Laurie O’Brien (Psychology)
Ana Maria Ochoa Gautier (Music, Spanish and Portuguese and Communication)
Scott Oldenburg (English)
Virginia Oliveros (Political Science)
Stephen Ostertag (Sociology)
Marline Otte (History)
Stacy Overstreet (Psychology)
Monica Payne (Theatre and Dance)
Watufani Poe (Communication)
Linda Pollock (History)
Stephanie Porras (Art)
Mauro Porto (Communication)
Patrick Rafail (Sociology)
David A. Rice (Biomedical Engineering)
Janet Rice (Biostatistics)
Zorimar Rivera Montes (English, and Spanish and Portuguese)
Fernando Rivera-Diaz (Spanish and Portuguese)
Chris Rodning (Anthropology)
Matt Sakakeeny (Music)
Rachel Schoner (Political Science)
Laura Schrader (Cell and Molecular Biology)
Daniel Sharp (Music)
Dale Shuger (Spanish and Portuguese)
Gustavo Eduardo Silva (Political Science)
David Smilde (Sociology)
Harish Sujan (Business/Marketing)
Brian Summa (Computer Science)
Michael Syrimis (French and Italian)
Ray Taras (Political Science)
Jeffrey Tasker (Cell and Molecular Biology)
Selamawit Terrefe (English)
Martyn Thompson (Political Science)
Allison Truitt (Anthropology)
Kantaro Tsubaki (Architecture)
Sunshine Van Bael (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)
Lisa Wade (Sociology)
Carola Wenk (Computer Science)
Edward White (English)
Michele White (Communication)
Justin Wolfe (History)
Ferruh Yilmaz (Communication)
Fan Zhang (Art)
Yuchen Zhang (Business/Management)
Karen Zumhagen-Yekplé (English)