Queue: Fright Night

Halloween is in less than a week, which means it’s time to watch some horror movies. Looking to Netflix, a “Halloween Favorites” section has been added this year. There are several popular options that many have already seen, and since nobody has the time to watch all of the films listed — nor would they want to — The Arcade took the guesswork out of it with these highlights.

Scream (The TV Series): 3.5/5

Is it comparable to Wes Craven’s original “Scream”? No, absolutely not, but that does not mean it’s not a solid slasher flick. The main difference to keep in mind is this: the original was a film series, while this is a television series. There is no moving past this, and so while a slasher film may have 11 people die in an hour, a slasher show may only have two people die in 40 minutes.

The show excels in its characters, who seem to possess endless secrets. One after another is revealed, while the viewer contemplates just who the killer could be. Much like the original franchise, the show is highly approachable for a young audience, because how can you not remember all of the high school parties and gossip? In this respect, the show can feel like a guilty pleasure, which is not a bad thing at all.

The basic plot is teens start dying left and right, and all signs point to a killer that plagued the town years ago. The only catch? That killer is dead.

Creep: 4.5/5

If slasher flicks do not quite do it for you, but found footage does, this film provides a unique look at a popular genre. While most of these films conjure up images of witches, giant monsters and haunted houses, “Creep” does not fit this mold.

Instead of a group of friends or amateur filmmakers, there is a lone cameraman. Rather than investigating odd activities or filming an event, he is simply responding to a Craigslist ad requesting a cameraman.

This movie brings horror into the everyday, as there are no dramatic chase scenes or gory deaths. There is simply an off-putting man who claims that he is dying from cancer and would like it if he could be filmed for a video to show his unborn son who he was.

Pontypool: 5/5

If you love the zombie genre, but hate the repetitive pattern it has fallen into, this movie is for you. Set in a radio station in Ontario, the main actors never leave the station. This makes the movie all the more real and all the more frightening, especially when it is stated that the virus infecting people is not spread by physical contact, but by something else. Suffice to say, the radio station provides the perfect outlet for such an idea.

The film excels in that it is not set outside, where the infection is occurring, creating a sense of disbelief. The main characters wonder if the events are truly occurring or just an elaborate prank, and the viewer wonders the same.

The relation between the head of the station and the on-air DJ throughout the film make it a tension-filled joyride to zombie hell.