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Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

"Only the Audacious" has raised millions of dollars for the school.

Why aren’t students feeling the benefits of Tulane’s audacious fundraising?

Edwin Wang, Staff Writer November 13, 2019

A fundamental pillar of Tulane’s “Only the Audacious” revamp is “building an environment to support excellence,” an ambition that requires Tulane to reevaluate its developmental priorities. Tulane...

equity fee

Without syllabi, course registration becomes a guessing game

Josh Axelrod, Views Editor November 6, 2019

As time tickets are assigned and degree audits are fretfully consulted, November marks the beginning of spring course registration. Sadly, at Tulane, our system represents a disappointing academic reality...

equity fee

Equity Fee organizers Les Griots Violets introduce themselves and their mission

Les Griots Violets November 6, 2019

Nous sommes Les Griots Violets. We are Les Griots Violets. We are activists, we are organizers, we are revolutionaries, we are movers and shakers. We are storytellers. We lift the voices of those who have...


We’re cheering for Tulane’s first gender-neutral homecoming court

October 30, 2019

The honoring of a homecoming king and queen is a long-standing university tradition that has excluded students who identify outside of the gender binary. This year, Tulane has made a commendable effort...

arab-israeli conflict

Our campus conversation about the Arab-Israeli conflict lacks context

Harrison Thorn, Senior Staff Writer October 30, 2019

Through all the debate over Israel that happens on Tulane’s campus, it seems that one crucial idea consistently slips through the cracks: criticizing Israel isn’t anti-Semitic. The trouble comes when...


Our research investment should match the scope of the problems we face

Edwin Wang, Contributing Writer October 30, 2019

From the banners that adorn McAlister Drive to Tulane’s frequent flaunting of its US News rankings, it is clear that Tulane lacks a research culture fundamental to contributing academic discoveries to...


Tulane cannot ignore its historical roots to slavery

Jackson Faulkner, Staff Writer October 23, 2019

Jackson Faulkner is currently writing an undergraduate honors thesis on the social history of the deBore plantation, which comprised part of the land that is currently Tulane University. Without question,...

book festival

Hull Poll: Here are the authors we’d invite to BookFest

Hullabaloo Staff October 23, 2019

Bestowed with a unique honor, Tulane University will host the first inaugural 2020 New Orleans Book Festival. Though some readers may feel their eyes growing droopy upon encountering the phrase "Book...


Letter to the Editor: ‘Pinkwashing’ misrepresents LGBTQ rights in Israel

Yael Pasumansky October 16, 2019

Yael Pasumansky is a fellow for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America. Dear Editor, Following Shai DeLuca-Tamasi’s visit to Tulane this past month, three students wrote...

fall break

Let’s use fall break as an opportunity to refresh and quit whining

Josh Axelrod, Views Editor October 9, 2019

If you’re reading this article, take a deep breath. Okay, now take another one. Fall break is upon us. Two months into a tumultuous semester, the Tulane community now faces ample opportunity to relax,...

We can’t address sexual violence if we keep trying to promote ‘healthy masculinity’

Emily Buttitta, Senior Staff Writer October 9, 2019

The Well for Health Promotion has implemented a new event – the MENtality Project Lunch & Learn – the goal of which is to “help engage, educate and empower students to create an open environment...

Students can plant financial seeds now which will, over time, grow into prosperous financial portfolios.

Students can control financial futures by embracing technology

Edwin Wang, Staff Writer October 2, 2019

As Tulanians enter a critical era when we must budget and cultivate an awareness of economic and political developments, it is equally important that we embrace personal investing and put our savings...

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