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  • The first round of the 2025 Editor-in-Chief elections will begin at noon on April 6.
  • The winner will be publicly announced 48 hours after the conclusion of the election.
  • For instructions on how to run, visit the 'Editor-in-Chief Election' article linked in our Instagram bio.
Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Frequently Asked Questions


The Tulane Jambalaya yearbook has been published since 1896, with hiatuses from 1996 – 2003, 2007 and 2009 – 2017. The yearbook was operated as an independent student organization from its inception in 1896, but in 2016, The Tulane Hullabaloo student newspaper and Main Campus Publications joined forces to relaunch the publication. The book is a photographic souvenir of students’ time at Tulane with full color images of campus events, locations and the Tulane community.

Is this a Tulane publication?
Yes! The Tulane Jambalaya is published by The Tulane Hullabaloo in partnership with Main Campus Publications. The Hullabaloo provides content while MCP coordinates marketing, printing, ads and delivery. Revenues from the guide help The Hullabaloo, Tulane’s student-run, self-financed newspaper, deliver news and information to the Tulane community!

How can I get a copy?

It’s easy! Go to ( and order online!

Can I get an older copy?

  • For books dating from 2017 – present, the order form at has options to purchase copies of those editions that are available.
  • For books published before 2017, only digital versions are available. Check the Tulane Digital Library website for the entire archive. (

When will my copy be delivered? 

The yearbook is published during the summer of each academic year and shipped to purchasers in mid-August. This allows us to cover the entire academic year, including Commencement. If you ordered a book and haven’t received it, please email Main Campus Publications at

How can I be included in the book?

All Tulane students can be included in the Tulane Jambalaya portrait section (Freshmen-Seniors). There is no cost to be included in the portrait section. There are two ways to be included:

  1. Take your on-campus portrait (For Seniors and Graduate and Professional Students only). Yearbook photographers are on campus at least once each semester and students are invited to schedule their free sittings. Learn more about student portrait sessions at
  2. Upload your own photo (For FR, SO, JR, SR, GR and professional students)

Students can upload their own portraits at Seniors are able to select this option if they prefer to use their own photo instead of taking a portrait on campus. (Note: The legality of using a professional headshot or portrait varies under different circumstances so please be sure you have the rights to the photo you are uploading. If you have questions, contact the photographer who took the picture.) Photos will be cropped to a head and shoulders shot. Please make sure the photo is of only one individual and that their face is free of obstructions, excluding any religious garb.

Can I submit other photos for the book?

Yes! The Jambalaya Yearbook includes a Scrapbook Section. Simply upload your selfies, student organization activities pictures and more at Please be selective about the photos you upload:

  • Only upload your own photos.
  • Remember this book will be printed and distributed to hundreds of people.
  • Only 3-5 photos of/from an individual will be accepted.
  • Only upload high resolution (between 1-3MB file size) photos. Photos copied from websites or social media usually won’t print well.

Why isn’t my name in the graduation list?

The Jambalaya aims to include every possible student in its list of graduates but a few issues may arise to impede this.

  • Some students’ privacy preference settings (FERPA) don’t allow the Tulane administration to release the students’ names or information to third parties. Check that Tulane is allowed to share directory information with others to ensure your name is included in the listing.
  • Students that are walking at Commencement but have not yet earned all of their credits may not be included on the list The Jambalaya receives from Tulane.
  • Delayed grade reporting or late completion of graduation requirements may also result in a student’s name being inadvertently left off the list of graduates that the yearbook receives from Tulane.

Where’s my picture?

Only portraits taken through Prestige Photography will automatically be given to The Jambalaya for inclusion in the yearbook. If you took your portraits through any other company but didn’t upload it to The Jambalaya website, they weren’t sent to the yearbook.

My question isn’t here – how do I get an answer?

Please contact Student Media Adviser Tel Francois Bailliet at 504-314-2185 or


The Tulane Hullabaloo schedules at least two portrait sessions a year with Prestige Photography (a division of Lifetouch), one in the fall and one in the spring, as part of the production process for The Tulane Jambalaya Yearbook. An additional spring session is frequently scheduled as well.

Who can have their portraits taken?

Seniors and Graduate and Professional Students are welcome to have their portraits taken and be included in the Jambalaya Yearbook at no charge! Other students are invited to upload portraits for the yearbook at

How much does it cost?

  • Sittings are free and include poses in professional and (if applicable) graduation regalia. Caps and gowns will be available at portrait sessions for students taking portraits.
  • The photos are used in the Jambalaya yearbook without charge, but students can purchase photo packages as well. Prices vary according to package selection. Ordering and price info is available at

Who takes the pictures?

The Jambalaya and Main Campus Publications work with Prestige Photography (a division of Lifetouch). They can be reached at 1-800-687-9327.

How do I schedule a sitting?

Go to and click the “Student Portraits” link or go to and enter school code 88053.

I forgot when my sitting is scheduled!

  • Go to and enter the confirmation code you received when you made the appointment.
  • If you can’t find your code, check with the photographer – they’re usually in the Kendall-Cram Room Lobby between 10 a.m. –7 p.m. during their campus visits.

Do I have to bring my cap and gown?

Nope. The cap and gown will be provided when you go to your sitting, but you are welcome to bring stoles, tassels, pennants or other individual items if you’d like.

What’s the dress code for portraits?

Business wear, at least from the waist up, is recommended.


I missed the photographer sessions — can I still be in the yearbook?

Yes! You can upload a portrait of your choice at Please be aware that the legality of using a professional headshot or portrait varies under different circumstances – be sure you have the rights to the photo you are uploading. If you have questions, contact the photographer who took the picture.

I haven’t received my proofs — who do I talk to?

Contact Prestige Photography at 1-800-687-9327 Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. EST.

My question isn’t here — how do I get an answer?

Please contact Student Media Adviser Tel Francois Bailliet at 504-314-2185 or


Who’s New at TU is a 30-year-old Tulane tradition. Since 1993, Who’s New at TU has served as an introduction to your classmates and to the Tulane community. The guide, formerly called the Freshman Directory, includes photos of first-year students, and information about nearby restaurants, local phrases and more. Who’s New at TU also includes a section on emergency preparedness and an extensive listing of campus services.

Is this a Tulane publication?
Yes! Who’s New at TU is published by The Tulane Hullabaloo in partnership with Main Campus Publications. The Hullabaloo provides content while MCP coordinates marketing, printing, ads and delivery. Revenues from the guide help The Hullabaloo, Tulane’s student-run, self-financed newspaper, deliver news and information to the Tulane community!

Is every member of the first-year class in the guide?

While we aim for 100% coverage of the class, we don’t always achieve that. Participation in the guide is voluntary and while we get high numbers of students submitting their photo and bio, not every single student does so.

Why do parents receive emails about purchasing the guide if it’s for students?

We send information about the guide to students and parents to make sure information gets to everyone.

  • Students can submit their photos and bios. Parents are also welcomed to submit photos and bio info on behalf of their student.
  • Parents and family members are offered the chance to place a personalized Parent Welcome to Tulane Message in the publication to encourage and support their student.

How can I order a copy for my child? Can parents get one too?

Go to the Main Campus Publication site at and click on the Tulane guide. You can order a copy for your student and copies for family and friends at the link.

How and when will I get my Who’s New at TU?

Copies will be mailed to families and students who order them at their home addresses before Tulane move-in. The only way for students and/or parents to get copies is to order them.

I didn’t receive my copy of Who’s New at TU.

If you ordered a book and haven’t received it, please email Main Campus Publications at

My student didn’t order a copy in advance – can we still get one?

Absolutely! Visit to order copies if they are still available. Main Campus normally has limited copies available after Move-in Week.

My question isn’t here – how do I get an answer?

Please contact Student Media Adviser Tel Francois Bailliet at 504-314-2185 or

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