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  • The first round of the 2025 Editor-in-Chief elections will begin at noon on April 6.
  • The winner will be publicly announced 48 hours after the conclusion of the election.
  • For instructions on how to run, visit the 'Editor-in-Chief Election' article linked in our Instagram bio.
Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Brain Waves: What I really hear when you call me 'Spicy'

Brain Waves: What I really hear when you call me ‘Spicy’

Anonymous May 2, 2017

I throw a funeral for myself on four days of the year. Four days of the year that have been edged onto the insides of my eyelids, so even when I close my eyes I cannot forget. I cannot unsee. It...

Brain Waves: Brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin

Brain Waves: Brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin

Anonymous May 2, 2017

Brown hair. Brown eyes. Brown skin. I remember little from my childhood and even less from the years I lived with my parents. I do remember looking up to my mother, always thin with skin like snow,...

Brain Waves: 'Negro'

Brain Waves: ‘Negro’

Nile Pierre, Associate Intersections Editor April 30, 2017

To the boy in my 8 a.m.: That day was the first time I felt comfortable enough to give my opinion in this class the entire semester. For a minute, I felt like more than a black body trespassing on private...

Brain Waves: Continual recovery

Brain Waves: Continual recovery

Jessica Rubinsky, Contributing Columnist September 28, 2016

I remember screaming "help" over and over. I did not understand what was going on. I tried to get my hands loose but couldn't. I realized I was stuck. Now lets start from the beginning. My senior...

Brain Waves: What I wish I knew

Brain Waves: What I wish I knew

Sarah Levinson, Contributing Columnist September 14, 2016

If you were to look at my Instagram or Facebook pages right now, you would see exactly what you expect from a college student who studied abroad. Pictures of me in 10 different countries, throwing sorority...

Brain Waves: One Year Later

Brain Waves: One Year Later

Nicholas Green, Contributing Columnist April 26, 2016

A year ago today I tried to kill myself. I sat in my dorm room alone at 2 a.m. acknowledging that this would be the last time I would be alive. There were three notes in my desk drawer waiting for...

Brain Waves: Bridging the Gap

Brain Waves: Bridging the Gap

Gabby Lysko, Contributing Columnist March 16, 2016

Hannah Montana — a true role model — once said, "I’m tired of living a double life." Today, I empathize. And though I wish my problem revolved around being a secret pop star, it totally doesn’t....

Brain Waves: Imperfect is perfect

Brain Waves: Imperfect is perfect

Katie Scott, Contributing Columnist February 24, 2016

Most of the details from the night I met my ex-boyfriend will never slip from my memory, but one sticks out in particular. Moments before our first kiss, I told him I was a romantic. I believed that...

Brain Waves: The essential conversation

Brain Waves: The essential conversation

Dan Robinson, Contributing Columnist February 13, 2016

Last week our school experienced an inexplicable tragedy after a student took his own life — a tragedy Tulane has seen too many times. While I did not know Harris Elledge personally, his passing took...

Brain Waves: What I learned from my father's suicide

Brain Waves: What I learned from my father’s suicide

Jamie Scharf, Contributing Columnist February 3, 2016

I woke up to an unfamiliar voice. "Jamie, wake up!" it said. I rolled over to look at my alarm: it wasn't even 7 a.m. I put my pillow over my head and attempted to go back to sleep, hoping this person...

Brain Waves: Picture Imperfect

Brain Waves: Picture Imperfect

Neely Sammons, Contributing Columnist January 27, 2016

I went abroad to Buenos Aires, Argentina last year and lived with an 80-year-old woman named Elena for five months. It was just the two of us and we adored each other. There was, however, one thing that...

Brain Waves: For better or for worse

Brain Waves: For better or for worse

Nina Riffaud, Contributing Columnist January 21, 2016

I never was a morning person. As a child I was called 'cranky' because, like many adults, I refused to speak to anyone before I had at least one cup of hot chocolate. I never knew how to put it into...

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