2018 midterms signal wave of female political representation

Anh Nguyen | Design Associate

Daniel Horowitz, Views Editor

The 2018 midterm elections are what political junkies have been waiting for since the general election in 2016. The main significance that people see in the midterms is that they are going to gauge how voters feel about their government since Donald Trump took office. There is another notable milestone this year, however, that we cannot ignore.

This year, more women are running for office – federal, state and local – than in any other election year. The number of women running for public office this year indicates that recent political events are leading women to mobilize through formal institutions to create positive change in American society. We Tulane students, as young voters, need to stand behind these women running for office to support progress in American politics.

There are 79 women considering campaigning in gubernatorial races and a substantial increase in women challenging incumbents in the U.S. House of Representatives. Overall, approximately 26,000 women have reached out to Emily’s List – a Democratic, pro-choice political organization – for advice and guidance in starting their own political campaigns since Donald Trump was elected.

A notable trend in the increase in women running for office is that they are coming from both sides of the aisle. Liberal and conservative groups are trying to encourage and empower more women to run for office. Though political groups representing different parties might differ in ideologies, women from both major political parties becoming involved in politics is critical for gender representation in government.

Having more women in public office ultimately means that our representatives will be a better portrayal of the public. Therefore, our governing bodies will represent the ideals of the entire nation better than a body of old white men. Women from both parties running for office means that there is the potential for women of various ideologies to be represented.

The Women’s March, a large national protest for the advancement of women’s rights and gender equality, has been a major influence on the political involvement of women nationwide. It has sent a message that women are going to be major political actors, especially after the results of the 2016 presidential election. Women are expressing their views through protest, and they will continue to make their voices heard in the voting booths come November.

The increase in female candidates running for office is an important signal for Tulane students with an interest in politics. The future of politics is not going to be mostly men. As we transition into the real world and begin to focus on political events more, we must continue the fight to improve gender equality.

This is an opinion article and does not reflect the views of The Tulane Hullabaloo. Daniel is a senior at Newcomb-Tulane College. He can be reached at [email protected].

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