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Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Professor Profile: School of Liberal Arts Dean Brian Edwards discusses his life and research

Professor Profile: School of Liberal Arts Dean Brian Edwards discusses his life and research

Batu El, Staff Writer November 14, 2018

Ever since joining Tulane as the Dean of the School of Liberal Arts in July, Brian Edwards has been working to enhance students’ research capabilities. On Oct. 15 Edwards gave the keynote address...

rocky horror

Students discuss Halloween traditions at Tulane, in New Orleans

Batu El, Contributing Reporter October 31, 2018

“Halloween, to me, in New Orleans, and especially at Tulane, isn’t just a weekend or just a day — it is a whole week,” junior Charles Copetas said. Copetas said that for some Tulane students...

Swedish academy slights United States, Americans fail to notice

Swedish academy slights United States, Americans fail to notice

Batu El, Contributing Writer October 25, 2018

While Americans were focused on contentious domestic news stories, the Swedish Academy made a sly statement of international significance. By awarding Paul Romer and William Nordhaus the 2018 Nobel...

Tulane Law School hosts free speech and privacy conference

Tulane Law School hosts free speech and privacy conference

Batu El, Contributing Reporter October 3, 2018

As every law student learns, the right to free speech is held in high esteem in the legal system. But what happens when the right to free speech, guaranteed by the First Amendment, conflicts with the right...

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