Queue: The 27 Club

Erica Goldish, Contributing Reporter

The 27 Club just might be one of the most documented groups in the music industry. Consisting solely of musicians who died at age 27, the rumors surrounding the 27 Club are fraught with conspiracy. These popular musicians are much more than fodder for conspiracy theorists, though. Biopics and documentaries allow viewers to have a more intimate connection to these artists’ lives. Both Netflix and iTunes have added films on the lives of Amy Winehouse and Kurt Cobain that are truly worth the watch. Both films reveal the actual happenings and sensitive details of the lives of some of the most famous musicians to date.

“Amy”:  5 stars

Amy Winehouse is known for having a powerful voice and a problem with drugs and alcohol that eventually lead to her unfortunate death. This documentary aims to uncover her childhood and love life to show the events that led up to her passing. If you have read the book about Winehouse written by her father, this chronological telling of events relays some of the same stories from a different more objective perspective. Additionally, Winehouse’s powerful vocals are a staple of the film, and many of her previously unreleased songs are played throughout.

“Kurt & Courtney”: 3 stars 

This 1998 film depicts the life of the well-known Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. Filmmaker Nick Broomfield visits sites from Cobain’s past to uncover bits and pieces of his life: meeting with Cobain’s family members, teachers, past girlfriends and even drug dealers. The filmalso reveals some of the conspiracy theories of Cobain’s death and tries to reveal a dark side to Courtney Love that could have led to Cobain’s potential murder at her hands.

Although the film does a great job uncovering unknown bits about Cobain, it is limited in video or picture evidence, as Courtney Love stopped many scenes Broomfield wanted to show by threatening legal action, which adds drama and appeal to the documentary anyway.

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