Knox Hamilton carries crowd attention through energetic, danceable set

Evan Krupp, Contributing Reporter

The Arcade had the pleasure of attending Knox Hamilton’s show on Tuesday night at Gasa Gasa. For the uninitiated, Knox Hamilton is an indie pop rock band whose recent single “Work it Out” has been making waves. The song, which the band describes as the “culmination of our eclectic musical sensibilities,” may very well become the next big indie dance track. In this respect the night certainly delivered—it’s always great to see a band break out.

Gasa Gasa’s intimate setting provided an amazing atmosphere throughout the night, and the crowd was clearly stoked as each band delivered, from the openers’ admittedly weird hard rock rendition of “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt,” through Knox Hamilton’s energetic, on point set. Having only been acquainted with the band’s hit single, The Arcade wasn’t sure what to expect, but the Little Rock-based group met the crowd’s expectations and then some.

Also impressing was second opener TEAM, a Dallas-based band still very much in its infantile stages. Lead singer Caleb Turman started the project with Rico Andradi roughly two years ago, but it wasn’t until one year ago that the band started to take its current form, with the introduction of Jared Ryan Maldondo. They are still very much a patchwork: bassist James Gonzalez not only wasn’t with the band until three weeks ago, but had never played bass until he joined.

Gonzalez’ apparent mastery of the instrument in, again, his third week playing it, is a bit of a microcosm for the band as a whole: for a group with so many moving parts, they were remarkably cohesive. Their brisk yet powerful set list, which mostly comprised of tracks from their new album “Good Morning Bad Day,” reflected a real sense of identity and purpose amongst its members, and they had a ton of energy.

Still, the night undoubtedly belonged to the band we had come to see, Knox Hamilton, and the song that’s launching them towards wide recognition, which, for the record, was electrifying. Also, again, a big shout out to TEAM, who managed to shine even in their shadow.

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