Student Org Spotlight: One Love promotes healthy relationships, wins national recognition

one love

Anh Nguyen | Associate Artist

According to the Loveisrespect campaign, almost half of dating college women report having experienced some kind of abuse by a romantic partner. One Love, a student organization, aims to provide Tulane students with the resources and knowledge they need to promote healthy relationship behaviors.

The national organization strives to bring awareness to and educate students on all forms of relationship abuse so they can prevent dangerous situations from occurring.

Recently, Tulane’s One Love Club received national recognition by the organization. Co-president Rachel Blume was recognized at the One Night for One Love annual gala in New York City.

“This work is obviously very hard, so to be recognized felt really great, and it shows that the work we’re doing on campus is making a difference,” Blume said.

One Love also received a Crest Award for “Student Organization of the Year” last week. The Crest Awards are sponsored by the Division of Student Affairs and recognize the achievements of students outside the classroom.

The national organization was founded by the mother of a Virginia student who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend.

“I think it is really special that the foundation was created by the mother of a daughter who died as a result of a dangerous relationship,” Blotcky said. “It is really cool because it shows that really anyone can start a movement that matters.”

On campus, One Love sponsors healthy relationship workshops led by trained students. The main component of the workshop is watching a video called “Escalation” about a fictional relationship. After the movie has finished, the trained students lead a peer discussion about how the negative behaviors are recognized and what they could look like in normal life.

Students who are part of the organization on campus said they find their involvement to be a very rewarding experience and said they believe the message they are spreading is very important to the Tulane community.

“It’s important to know the signs and look out for one another,” Co-President Alexis Mayfield said. “I think we all have to work together to make Tulane a better place.” 

One Love will be holding workshops throughout the upcoming fall and spring semesters.

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