Sugar daddy website sets up sweet arrangements for students
“Men come to me and think I am amazing. They literally pay to spend time with me. Like not even necessarily to be intimate with me — just to spend time with me. I’m exalted.”
This is Phoebe* — a 19-year-old sophomore at Tulane. Last October, during her freshman year, she signed up for Seeking Arrangement, an online dating platform where, according to the website, “beautiful, successful people fuel mutually beneficial relationships.”
Phoebe’s interest in the platform spawned, and she delved into YouTube documentaries and coverage in the mainstream media to learn more about it. After making an account and swiping through various profiles, she liked what she saw. In the same month, Phoebe met her first “sugar daddy” in person — a Hollywood producer who was in New Orleans shooting a new television show.
“He was cute,” she said. “I liked talking to him. He had a pretty interesting job. We just went out for drinks one night, and for the six weeks he was here in New Orleans filming a pilot, I would see him like every weekend.”
Phoebe is not the only Tulane student involved in this phenomenon. Back in 2011, Tulane ranked Top 20 for the number of students who had signed up for SeekingArrangement. Though the ranking has since dropped to #118 on the website’s list of fastest growing schools, the number of sugar babies has almost doubled to 360 students.
“Many students on are looking for a relationship on their terms, where they can spend time with someone who can mentor them and help support them while they’re in college,” Spokesperson for SeekingArrangement Kimberly De La Cruz said.
Some people might wonder what contributes to this rise in “sugar daddy” arrangements. But as student debt continues to rise with increasing college tuition, students like Phoebe are finding new ways to support their lifestyles. The idea of arrangements like these, however, is not entirely new.
The first recorded use of “sugar daddy” was in 1926 as a slang term used to describe a man who gives money or gifts to a significantly younger woman in exchange for companionship.
Though the phrase never went away, the rise of sugar daddy/sugar baby relationships took a spike when Brandon Wade created the SeekingArrangement website in 2006. Since its founding, the website has boasted over 10 million active members, with four sugar babies for every one sugar daddy or mama.

According to SeekingArrangement, an arrangement is “where people are direct with one another and stop wasting time.” It also claims to give users the opportunity to have a relationship on their own terms.
Similar to most dating apps, users are able to describe exactly what they are looking for in a partner. Most put their expectations directly in their bios, along with their net worth and physical descriptions. Sugar babies, however, get the advantage on who can contact them.
It is for this reason, Phoebe says, that many people use the site.
“You’re actually in charge of who you see and who you meet and even in charge of who can message you,” she said. “No one can message you until you approve them … That’s why I think most people I think do it because it is like running your own business.”
Despite the sentiment of an arrangement being mutually beneficial, many people still frown upon the concept. In 2011, The Times-Picayune noted a movement within the Tulane Greek system in which several sororities offered “informal counseling” to provide members with other options to “make ends meet” other than seeking an arrangement.
Tori Buckley, a New Orleans based master’s level provisionally-licensed professional counselor, says the discussion around the topic is usually attributed to the bigger conversation of gender and sexuality.
“As for why this arrangement is so taboo, there is always a lot of controversy around women who utilize sexism, the patriarchy, and the objectification of women to exploit men,” Buckley said. “Furthermore, the sugar baby/daddy arrangement can be categorized within sex work, as it is a relationship by hire.”
There is a long history of sex work in New Orleans. In 1879, a red-light district called Storyville formed in order to regulate prostitution and other illegal activities. Though prostitution was not legalized in Storyville, it was prohibited by law in every other area of New Orleans, therefore making the small area, lined with brothels and saloons, the perfect place for illicit activity. The district was shut down in 1917.
Still, New Orleans’ reputation as a “loose” city precedes itself. Though there is no official data on the SeekingArrangement site on the number of sugar babies or daddies in New Orleans, the site does give statistics by state. According to the Sugar Dating Heat Map, Louisiana ranks No. 15 for the number of sugar daddies — 2.94 sugar daddies per 1,000 adult males. Additionally, it ranks No. 22 for the number of female sugar babies — 12.90 per 1,000 adult females.
“Lots of people come to New Orleans as tourists and New Orleans is known as a sex tourism place. Lots of people come to New Orleans for conventions and so the wealthy men would be coming here, it’s not their home.” Mimi Schippers, a professor and chair of the department of sociology and gender and sexuality program, said.
Tulane is the perfect cross-section of both of these high-appeal markets, given its New Orleans location and student population.
“And as far as I know it’s also about a desire to spend time with a significantly younger woman, who’s more educated, and smart and confident,” Schippers said. “And so there are particular locations — universities probably that would have a reputation where it would be more likely that you would find that kind of younger woman.”
The business, Phoebe says, is worthwhile. While her parents pay for her college tuition and living expenses, she uses the extra cash she earns from her arrangements for recreational activities. When choosing which potential sugar daddies can contact her, she makes sure to look at their net worth to ensure the companion can actually pay her allowance rate — which is $600 per week.
“I feel like I don’t need to do this work,” she said. “I’m just doing it to make some extra money. It’s easy, it’s low-time commitment. So you know if they’re not going to meet that I don’t even need to see them.”
“What I’m doing in my free time it will not hurt you. It just won’t. It simply will not. I don’t do anything illegal. So I shouldn’t be treated like I do something illegal.” Anonymous, Tulane University sophomore
Ultimately, Phoebe says those paying to spend time with her are not paying her for a sexual relationship. Out of the three arrangements she has had, only two of them were intimate, and sex happened farther down the line. This means what she does is completely legal, and she wants people to understand this.
“At the end of the day, you should let people do what they want to do and recognize that even if it is something that is startling to you, on a very basic level it will not impact your life,” she said. “What I’m doing in my free time it will not hurt you. It just won’t. It simply will not. I don’t do anything illegal. So I shouldn’t be treated like I do something illegal.”
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Sheila • Jul 11, 2021 at 12:43 pm
I want a sugar daddy who can help me
Will • Feb 23, 2022 at 8:23 pm
I can help you
Paul Mannasquani • Apr 5, 2019 at 5:16 pm
Personally, I prefer the newest way of conducting this type of relationship. Rather than the typical sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship, the relationship remains “Online Only”. This is similar to an Online Girlfriend.
There is no in-person meeting! This makes it safer for both parties. The sugar baby can receive the financial gain whilst, lending a sympathetic ear and the Sugar daddy can return the favor with positive Mentoring.
While searching for an online girlfriend on the internet, I received the best results with these search terms:
online girlfriend relationship
adopt a brat
safe relationships online
Good luck and surf-safe!
J • Nov 8, 2018 at 4:31 pm
Good article.
Rohana • Oct 18, 2018 at 11:17 am
I created a profile on, a US sugar daddy site that also launched in the UK, Canada, Australia etc, they give sugar babies, sugar mommas, and sugar toyboys an option of a regular profile or an Xfile profile (where you can add sexy erotic photos to catch a sugar daddies eye). I opted for the regular profile (nice smile) and got a good response but most wanted more ’ sexy ’ photos from me so i didn’t pursue it. My friend also created a profile but an Xfile profile and added topless photos,she was swamped with sugar daddies offering her considerable ’ gifts ’, with 2 offers of over $17k/month allowance for a regular 3 x monthly meets. As i understand it, only gold members can see these Xfile photos, we both concluded that’s what sugar daddys really want, intimacy with younger women, they quickly lose interest in ’ nice ’ girls like me who aren’t prepared to show skin. The old adage ’ you don’t get something for nothing ’ comes to mind. I will now create a profile on seekingarrangement and see what response i get there then report back.
pinto • Oct 9, 2018 at 2:36 am
Cathy Crow • Oct 4, 2018 at 1:15 pm
This article absolutely romanticizes “Sugar Babies” and sugaring. Maybe referring to the Vanity Fair article in 2016 and these take-aways from the article (below) would help you balance the “debate”. Publish your article, but be honest that “sugaring”, like drugs and black out drinking, does have a dark, dangerous side — stop making it sound like a too-good-to-be-true payday!. And understand it contributes to the on-going sexual assault culture. Be honest about what sugaring is, and the toll it takes on the girls involved.
From Vanity Fair:
She’s reluctant at first to say whether they had sex, but finally admits their relationship was physical. “If anyone tells you they’re not sleeping with these guys, they’re lying, even if it’s just a blow job, because no one pays for all that without expecting something in return.
Jenna says that a friend of hers was sexually assaulted by a man she met on a sugaring site. “She didn’t want to report it,” she says, “because she didn’t want her parents to know what she was doing.” Women in sex work reportedly experience a high incidence of rape, as well as a “workplace homicide rate” 51 times higher than that of the next most dangerous job, working in a liquor store, according to the American Journal of Epidemiology.
…and more from The Villa Nova Institute to Address Commercial Sexual Exploitation writing about the Vanity Fair article:
The article discusses the “private pages” sugar babies look to in order to seek and “give advice on how to alleviate the pain of bruises from overzealous spanking and what to do when ‘scammers’ refuse to pay.” They also discuss “what they carry to protect themselves (knives, box cutters, pepper spray).” If purchasers of sex were not violent, these pages would not exist and women would not feel the need to “protect themselves.”
Waveboy • Oct 4, 2018 at 9:24 am
Wavegirl, you say this article “sets the feminist movement back” but you’re the one telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies. So who’s really setting the movement back? Get off your high horse and let people have actual autonomy.
Derrick Banes • Sep 30, 2018 at 4:26 pm
I’ll tell you what’s ridiculous. Some of these reactions Why are you all shooting the messenger??!!! What more do you want the author to say in the article???? What type of research? The research was done it appears to me. The reporter is only reporting to you all what is going on . I read the article twice and I see no way that she encouraged this type of relationship or went against it. Only reported what her source said which seems to be a credible source. This article was strictly informing what’s going on. It would be the same as if she was reporting a robbery or murder. Would you be mad then??? And to the person who said ‘shame on you ….for running this article…” Based on your views of the ‘sugar daddy’ thing I would think that you would be happy that this article ran espcially if you have a daughter, not just at Tulane, but anywhere. The article made you aware that this is going on and it also gave you the opportunity to give advice.
No Sex Trafficing • Sep 30, 2018 at 11:17 am
Young ladies, you are kidding yourself if you think this is dating. This is prostitution and could lead to sex trafficking. Any young woman who would put herself in this situation needs to understand that sex will be expected and possibly be forcefully taken. You are at Tulane because you are bright and you have bright futures. Do not prostitute yourselves! Do not put your physical wellbeing and mental health in danger!
Shame on you Hullababloo for running this article! How can you say that you represent Tulane the Tulane students and then put naive students at risk? This this is absolutely appalling!
Yvette Robinson • Sep 29, 2018 at 6:30 pm
Just curious….. when did it become difficult for wealthy, older men to find companionshp and stimulating conversation without such a service?
Wavegirl • Sep 29, 2018 at 2:38 pm
The encouraging nature of this article is extremely concerning to me. Wow, so much for encouraging our young women to be future leaders. Hope none of these young ladies have any ambitions to be on the Supreme Court one day. Tulane University… setting back the feminist movement 100 years. Ugh!
J • Sep 29, 2018 at 12:59 pm
As a mother of a freshman daughter at Tulane, I find the publication of this article disturbing. These sugar daddy arrangements are tantamount to prostitution. It’s sex work, plain and simple. If you are going to publish an article on this very serious topic, at least do your due diligence and report all of the facts. This is not journalism.
Newcomb Alum • Sep 28, 2018 at 11:59 am
This is revolting. Is this what my alma mater has come to? This is how little Tulane women respect themselves? Get a job like the rest of us did and have a little self respect. This type of disgusting thing is one of the many reasons why I will never, ever give one cent to Tulane. Only the audacious is a ridiculous campaign although perhaps it is just illustrating the type of “classy” students Tulane is admitting these days. Get some self respect.