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Returning to school requires a lot of decision making. Choosinga degree to pursue, lining up finances and picking a universitythat will give you the proper training and knowledge you’ll need toturn that degree into a career can make those decisions verydifficult.

Many educational opportunities can provide you with degreeoptions. But you may want to investigate if an online university is thebest option for you. Here are the top five reasons to choose anonline education:

1. You can schedule your schooling for when you have time tohandle the work. If you have a full time job – or responsibilitiesthat don’t allow you to participate in an educational settingduring regular working hours – signing up for online educationthrough an accredited online university like AmericanInterContinental University will allow you to schedule yourclasses, homework and projects for when you have the time todedicate to your schooling.

2. Learn in the comfort of your own home – or favorite coffeeshop, library, outside in the park under a tree, etc. If you’reenrolled in an online marketing degree or other program, you never have to getout of your pajamas to log in and participate in the day or week’slesson. This is especially important for students who don’t learneasily in traditional classroom settings.

3. Finances are tight, and if you are able to live at home whileearning a degree from a university that might not have a brick andmortar building in your hometown, pursuing an online education cancertainly help you save money. In addition to saving on room andboard, you also won’t have to pay for transportation.

4. In addition to the knowledge you’ll be learning for yourspecific degree, you’ll also gain self-management skills you canhighlight in any job reviews or interviews. These skills range fromorganizational and time management to working with completestrangers and using social media or other Internet-basedtechnology. If you’re pursing an online project management degree, just think of how theseskills can benefit your future.

5. Get the degree when you want to get the degree. Becauseyou’re not limited to a classroom setting, many online programsallow you to take as many – or as few – classes as you want, andstart taking them when you’re ready. So if it’s the middle ofsummer, you don’t necessarily have to wait until September to startyour degree. This can allow you to earn your degree in a shorterperiod or time – or spread your learning out to fit yourschedule.

Information in this article was provided by AmericanInterContinental University. Contact AIU today if you’re interestedin developing marketable knowledge and career-relevant skills withan industry-current degree program. (AIU cannot guaranteeemployment or salary.) American InterContinental University isaccredited by The Higher Learning Commission and a member of theNorth Central Association.

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