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Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Homecoming Royalty: Is it just a popularity contest?

OPINION | Homecoming court: constructive or cliché?

Lily Mae Lazarus, Views Editor September 30, 2020

The concept of homecoming royalty seems juvenile and in many ways superficial. By pitting members of the community together in what appears to be a collegiate popularity contest, the elected student...

Student founded initiatives make recycling easy at Tulane and beyond.

OPINION | Glass Half Full provides opportunity for students to step up for community

Sari Abolafia, Contributing Writer September 30, 2020

It is no secret that college students can be pretty wasteful, that New Orleans is not known for its recycling successes, and that most students will check the symbolic box of “helping the community”...

Tulane students have no trouble heedlessly discarding expensive items

OPINION | Want not, waste a lot: Tulane students need to check their privilege

Lily Mae Lazarus, Views Editor September 23, 2020

Last spring, when the majority of the Tulane body evacuated due to COVID-19, the financial insensitivity of the student body was openly displayed around campus. Sophomores threw their lightly used futons,...

Tulane School of Architecture, along with academia in general, perpetuates a toxic work culture

OPINION | Email from School of Architecture promotes unhealthy, dangerous behaviors

Kristen Osborne, Contributing Writer September 23, 2020

On Sunday, Sept. 13, Iñaki Alday, dean of the Tulane School of Architecture, sent an incredibly callous email about the School of Architecture’s new policy regarding working expectations during the...

Tulane must find ways to facilitate the voting process for its students this year.

OPINION | Tulane must facilitate mail-in voting

Deeya Patel, Views Editor September 23, 2020

The 2020 presidential election is a high stakes event and Tulane University students have always done their part to hold their peers accountable in the election process. Now, during the pandemic, students...

White students still have much to learn to be good allies to their BIPOC peers.

OPINION | White people have no need for race-based affinity groups

Gabi Liebeler, Contributing Writer September 16, 2020

It is no secret that Tulane University has experienced controversies surrounding racial diversity, some of which were related to whiteness.  In November of 2017, signs that read, “It’s okay to be...

There is an apparent disconnect between student's talk and actions.

OPINION | College is not about getting rich

Amy Stambaugh, Contributing Writer September 16, 2020

America is facing a reckoning. Inequality in the U.S. has reached levels not seen since before the Great Depression. A 2016 Brookings Institute analysis found that the average white family had more...

Hybrid classrooms come with a slew of technical issues

OPINION | Hybrid classrooms are worst of both worlds

Gabe Darley, Staff Writer September 16, 2020

Since March, the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly wrought havoc on the college classroom. Learning, in the traditional sense, is no longer feasible, a truth becoming more apparent by the day as Tulane...

Abolish USG elections now

OPINION | Abolish USG elections now

Robert Chumbley, Contributing Writer September 16, 2020

When most of us think of democratic elections, we initially think of a first-past-the-post system where voters select a single candidate for a single office, and the winner is the one with the most votes....


OPINION | Students’ apathy towards New Orleans is glaring

Deeya Patel, Views Editor September 16, 2020

At an institution where nearly 70% of the students come from the 20% richest families in America, it is easy to imagine that many Tulane students are out of touch with the majority of the world’s struggles....

Strict attendance policies hinder the quality and efficacy of in-person instruction

Save attendance policies for the schoolhouse

Gabe Darley, Staff Writer September 9, 2020

Tulane University is a higher education institution whose undergraduate students are legal adults who have chosen to continue their formal learning process beyond what is mandated by the state. Though...

Students' face mask negligence prioritizes comfort over community

Students’ face mask negligence prioritizes comfort over community

Lily Mae Lazarus, Views Editor September 9, 2020

Prior to the start of the school year, the Tulane University administration promised students, parents, and staff that their COVID-19 protocols sufficiently addressed the risk of in-person instruction....

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