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July 29, 2010
Buying advertising can be expensive and creating the ads canalso be a time-consuming and difficult process. While there’s nodoubt that advertising and other traditional marketing efforts canbe helpful in growing your client base, knowing what options areavailable and which are the most effective can often be the biggestchallenge to a small business owner.
One of the best options, and one of the most underutilized, ise-mailmarketing. When used effectively, e-mail marketing canestablish an ongoing, personal relationship with customers withouttaking much of your precious time. If you haven’t considered e-mailmarketing as an option for your organization, here are six reasonsto consider launching your own campaign:
1. Effectiveness. A recent study by the Direct MarketingAssociation notes that every dollar spent on e-mail marketing has areturn of $45 to $51. You’ll still be competing with otherbusinesses for your customers’ attention, but the study shows thatopen rates for e-mail marketing pieces are 10 times higher thanconventional direct mail.
2. Ease. Anyone with basic computer skills can build an e-maillist and compose an e-mail to send out to customers. However,business owners should take care to not send out poorly developed,poorly designed or irrelevant messages which can cause yourcustomers to turn away from your business. If you need help,consider services that offer e-mail marketingsoftware services to help you get started. Providers, such asEasy Contact (, offer services that will helpyou create an e-mailnewsletter, simplify the process of sending marketing e-mailsand help you track customer responses.
3. Affordability. With the help of easy-to-use, affordabletools, e-mail marketing is more cost effective than almost anyother marketing or advertising alternative.
4. Speed. There are few ways to get your message out faster thanthrough e-mail marketing. If you send out an e-mail coupon in themorning, you could see customers using it at your business by theafternoon.
5. Personalization. By offering exclusive information orpersonalized specials to your customers, you’ll build arelationship with them and gain their loyalty. E-mail messagingalso offers an easy platform for your customers to share yourmessage with their friends. It also allows them to share themessage with their friends via social media.
6. Measurable results. If you have the right software, you cantrack how many people opened your e-mail, clicked on website linksin the message or forwarded it to others, among other things.
E-mail marketing provides a platform to reach your customerswithout expending a ton of time and energy or spending all of youravailable marketing budget. A simple, affordable program thatallows you to create, send and track your e-mail campaigns quicklyand easily. For more information and tips on e-mail marketing,visit
Courtesy of ARAcontent
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