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November 19, 2009
If you want to see that sparkle again, wait no longer.
Edward is back. And fans will have a howling good time at “TheTwilight Saga: New Moon.”
Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and her vampire would-be loverEdward (Robert Pattinson), are still together when the movieopens.
The film begins with a dream that reflects Bella’s darkest fear:If the two stay together, she will grow older, but Edward will not,which means he will end up with a grandmotherly type of sweetheartwho eventually will die and leave him alone.
As Bella faces her 18th birthday, she begins to realize that shetruly wants to be a vampire and join Edward forever in facing thejoys and threats (including other vampires) of being “undead.”
Edward has always wanted to protect Bella – sometimes fromhimself. When her life is jeopardized by a member of his ownfamily, Edward decides it’s best if he leaves Bella. In fact, theentire Cullen clan abandons their Washington state home.
Through it all, Bella’s best friend Jacob (Taylor Lautner) staysclose beside his pal. He seems to be the one who might be able toend the horrible nightmares that leave her screaming in the middleof the night.
But Jacob has a secret: He’s not always human. In fact, he’samong the members of his American Indian tribe who make quite atransformation when they sense that a vampire is prowling around -a vampire such as the powerful, vengeance-seeking Victoria.
As Bella realizes that Victoria is coming after her, she alsofinds out that Edward has made a decision to end his life. Shetakes off on a mad rush to Italy in order to save him.
Those who have read the books (I have not) will know what’scoming, but it won’t matter. I do think it’s important, if you wantto see “New Moon,” to watch “Twilight” first because it sets theground rules for the characters in terms of the attributes and”laws” of the vampires. This second segment has a little more humorand more of a social conscience than the first one did.
This concept of a “forbidden romance” has intrigued (mostlyfemale) audiences since storytelling began. (Check out the ’80sversion by watching a few segments of the “Beauty and the Beast”television series.)
Twilighters, prepare to swoon over “New Moon.” And get ready forthe next chapter in this fantasy-focused love story.
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