Review: Cody Ko and Noel Miller take online success to Fillmore crowd
Isabella Casas | Senior Staff Photographer
YouTube comedians Cody Ko and Noel Miller performed this past Friday, Oct. 25, at Fillmore Theatre.
October 28, 2019
YouTube comedians Cody Ko and Noel Miller lit up this past Friday, Oct. 25, at Fillmore Theatre with their explosive wit and fast-paced humor. The pair arrived on stage as their recent song and collaboration, “Short Kings Anthem,” played, kicking off a night full of comedic anecdotes, lively comebacks and parody music.
Known collectively as Tiny Meat Gang, the duo transitioned from their intro by recalling their recent successes. Having recently scored a record deal with Arista Records, the former Vine stars and computer programmers have come a long way from making short video loops and coding apps to being able to go on a comedy tour for the fourth time.
The pair launched into stories about their younger selves, lightly jabbing and offering comedic commentary at each other’s stories, exhibiting a dynamic similar to the one they offer in their self-produced, recently-awarded podcast.
Interspersed between segments, the duo broke out into comedic songs, demonstrating their musical talent and wit, with one song even parodying the internet trend of Twitch watchers offering monetary gifts to their favorite streamers. Taking on the perspective of a Twitch gamer they belted out lines such as “Baby you’re my stream queen, and we could be a stream team.”
The show then transitioned into the duo doing a live version of their most popular series, “That’s Cringe,” focused on commentating on cringey internet videos. The pair turned the audience’s attention to an MTV Cribs-esque Youtube series called “Trending Houses,” which highlights lavish fraternity and sorority houses across the country. Their commentary paired with the absurdity of the videos garnered the cheers and laughter of the audience.
Towards the end of the show, Ko and Miller made time for fans’ questions and answers. Out of the many people suggesting to go to The Boot Bar and Grill and requesting them to say “hi” to their friends, one of the attendees asked, “When did you guys realize that this [gig] wasn’t a joke?” to which Miller responded, “Well, we’re still not sure that it’s not.”
While the duo has thrived on the internet through their YouTube videos, podcast episodes and social media posts, it is clear to see that they are able to keep a live audience entertained with their comedic stage presence and natural charisma.
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