Campus Health webseries promotes sexual health

Abe Messing, Staff Reporter

If you don’t have the stamina to keep learning about sexual health every day during sex week,  you can always get your sexual health questions/needs satisfied by the “Sex Ed Quickies” web series produced by Tulane University Campus Health. This homegrown web series aims to discuss sexual health issues relevant to the Tulane community from an “an honest, sex positive point of view” on a biweekly basis. 

Every other Thursday from 4-4:30 p.m., Campus Health workers Jennifer Hunt and Chelsea Hill go live on Instagram TV to expound on a wide array of sexual health topics. Medical experts and other sex educators are frequently brought on as guests. 

On  Oct. 21, Campus Health spoke with Dr. Marius Commodore —  medical director of Tulane’s Student Health Center — about masculine sexual health. Previous installments of the event have covered varied topics, including menstrual health, sexual health resources on campus, how to reclaim sexual pleasure after experiencing sexual violence and sex toys for trans and nonbinary folks.

Chelsea Hill (l) and Jennifer Hunt (r) at Tulane Campus Health. (Maryam Tanveer)

Each session begins by “busting a myth.” Campus Health poses a rumor or common misconception and has the guest speaker — if there is one — explain why it is false or misleading. The rest of the time is spent highlighting other relevant information and potentially uncomfortable topics in a controlled environment. 

Demonstrations on how to use safe sex items and other sexual health products are common. Sex Ed Quickies welcomes questions and commentary from the viewers in the comment section during and after the talk. 

Still to come in future broadcasts this semester are “sexual self-care” on Nov. 4, “trans sexual health identity and inclusive trans sex education” on Nov. 18 and “HIV/AIDS in celebration of HIV/AIDS day” on Dec. 1. Although the live format is ideal for promoting an open dialogue with the audience, you can still find previous episodes archived on the Campus Health Instagram page

You can follow Campus Health here to stay informed about the upcoming Sex Ed Quickies events and other programs relating medical, mental health and other health promotion initiatives.

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