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Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans

The Tulane Hullabaloo

Tulane’s Reily Center should not extend its hours accommodate “Gym Bros” who want to lift weights late at night out of convenience, not necessity. (Mylie Bluhm)

OPINION | Gym Bro conspiracy threatens Reily Center

Beau McBride, Contributing Writer September 11, 2024

Often on social media, I see a “Gym Bro” who, while lifting weights at three in the morning, posts a picture of himself flexing in the mirror with a caption saying something to the effect of “I’m...

Three ways to stay active in New Orleans during pandemic

Three ways to stay active in New Orleans during pandemic

Jude Papillion and Harrison Simon January 27, 2021

Have you completed our previous list of activities to do during the pandemic and are looking for new activities that will get your blood pumping while also staying safe from COVID-19? The Hullabaloo is...

new Reily

New normal, new Reily

Ezra Weber, Senior Staff Reporter September 2, 2020

OK, this sucks. Now I’ve got to assemble my own home gym if I want any sort of regular workout this year.  That’s what I thought upon first reading Tulane’s email about the reopening of the Reily...

Mardi Gras

Post-Mardi Gras recovery in 3 easy steps

Harrison Simon, Staff Reporter February 26, 2020

Mardi Gras has officially concluded, and with that, students are jumping right back into the daunting balance between going out and going to class. This transition can be difficult for many, so The Hullabaloo...

equity fee

A flawed approach to a real problem: Equity fee should not be implemented

Campbell Lutz, Senior Staff Writer November 13, 2019

On Oct. 29, the Tulane Undergraduate Student Body passed a resolution 24-6 calling for the administration to institute a mandatory equity fee of $240 per student. The fee would go toward funding organizations...

From left to right, Emma Pronovost, Yume Jensen, Elizabeth Grimm and Andrew Cerise practice tangoing with each other.

Tulane’s club ballroom dancing waltzes, rumbas, swings into new school year

Olivia Henderson, Sports Editor September 4, 2019

After 9 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the Reily Student Recreation Center’s Lakeside Room transforms into a dance floor. Here, members of Tulane’s club ballroom dance team shimmy and shake the night...

Students help New Orleans youth to Swim 4 Success

Students help New Orleans youth to Swim 4 Success

Hannah May Powers, Staff Reporter February 6, 2019

After saving five children from drowning in a community lake, 15-year-old  Laura White decided to take action, creating the inaugural Swim 4 Success in Alpharetta, Georgia. Only three years later,...

reily center

Day in the Life: Reily Center

Canela Lopez, Senior Staff Reporter April 18, 2018

If they are brave enough to climb up the steep, grey steps leading to Tulane's Reily Student Recreation Center, students are greeted by a cool gust of air conditioning as they walk through the glass doors,...

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